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A member registered Dec 26, 2016

Recent community posts

how much will the finished product on steam?

make it run better

ok what i mean is that if you make them pay for the game less people will play it meaning less feedback

never mind my gamma and resolution scale were at zero

When I play it, it looks like it is dark and pixelated this was happening on the old version and alpha two

I will uninstall the old versions and see if that is the problem

I said that

why did you make it one dollar i mean inless its a finished pollished game not many people are going to buy it and less people means less free play testers and less ideas for you to add i like playing a unfinished game and then leaving feedback so they can make it better but i will not pay for a game thats unfinished.

here are my suggestions

1. make the days longer they are too short this has already been suggested

2. increase the profit you get to more the progression is too slow

3. make the shop bigger it is cramped

4. something to do with the crystals

wow so much


i agree

I would like if the days were longer but its up to you

good idea

Hi I found a bug i don't know how it happened but when it happens your animations stop and you cant use the spear